E Comm International
About Elaine Baugh Walsh
E Comm International Services
E Comm International Sales Training
Case Studies
Remove the Risks and Ramp Up the Results
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Kenwood Communications  
Desert Institute  
Centurion International, Inc.  
Hutton Power Systems Group  
Other Projects  

E Comm Case Studies

Centurian International, Inc.

When a leading component manufacturer in the wireless industry needed to break through to the next level of sales by reaching specific engineers who were unfamiliar both with RF technology and the company, E Comm developed the capabilities brochure that visually brought their world-class factory to their desks. We also arranged for press tours, familiarizing engineering publications such as EDN with the company’s capabilities. As an adjunct to this, technology workshops were held across the country, White Papers were published by major design forums and publications. E Comm arranged for company engineers to be invited to give speeches at industry events. While the advertising budget was limited, E Comm added an offer for valuable software that could be requested from the company’s web site, helping to create the email database needed for sales and production information follow-up. This multi-tiered approach resulted in double-digit increases in sales to these key buyers and contracts with new customers leading to long range sales.

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