After eight years of sales management experience in hotels, real estate and telecommunications, Elaine was introduced to the radio industry in 1979 by becoming part-owner and director of sales for Reliable Measurement Systems, a NiCad battery test equipment company private labeling product for Motorola and GE with sales to public safety and government agencies primarily through manufacturer rep firms. Upon the sale of that company in 1983, until 1995, she was Vice President/Group Publisher for Cardiff Publishing, with responsibility for advertising sales and editorial content for Communications, Satellite Communications, Cellular Marketing and Voz y Datos magazines as well as a Manchurian Chinese language satellite newsletter, for a total circulation of 120,000 readers. She was responsible for exhibit sales, content and logistics for the IWCE, Voz y Datos Expo and Satellite Communications Users Conference shows and organized a series of events showcasing wireless technology to venture capitalists. In 1995, Elaine founded E Comm International, Inc., a company that provides sales and marketing consulting services primarily to companies in the wireless communications industry, with clients including Kenwood and Enterprise Wireless Alliance (EWA), as well as vocational schools, business coaches, authors, one of the world's top 20 destination spas and manufacturers of industrial power supplies, cabling and other business-to-business products. E Comm International, Inc. was named one of the Top Ten Advertising Agencies in S. Arizona in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012 and 2016 by Inside Tucson Business newspaper. Elaine was given the "Business Visionary Award" by the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) in 2011. Elaine is on the board of the Radio Club of America, was named a Fellow in 1990, was awarded the RCA President's Award in 2012 and is a former Vice President. She is a member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, American Marketing Association, Business Marketing Association, National Storytelling Network and the Society for Competitive Intelligence Professionals. She is a former President and director of the Communications Marketing Association and received the CMA Presidents Award in 2003, 2009 and 2011. She was named an Outstanding Woman in Wireless by Wireless Week and has given numerous wireless industry presentation and training at IWCE and other events. She serves on the board of the Sky Island Alliance, is a former board officer of Susan G. Komen for the Cure and PRIME School of Music. She is active in non-profits benefiting kids, wildlife conservation and the arts.